Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Fundamentals Need of Building an Environmental Attitude

By: Monish M

In recent times environmental attitude is gaining importance .I strongly believe that by the developmental of an environmental attitude, our concerns regarding environmental degradation and deterioration can be solved to a great extent. I would start off by defining Environmental Attitude as a learned enduring orientation in the way we think, feel or act with respect to the Environment.
Environmental Attitude is a psychological tendency with a certain degree of indulgence associated while evaluating the environment. The development of Environmental Attitude requires different time frames for different people based on their culture, socio-economic conditions, ideologies and consciousness associated with environmental issues. But it is very essential to note that once an Environmental Attitude, that too a healthy one, is developed then, it may certainly help us in a broader perspective in  looking forward for a healthy and conservative  environment.
Though it has been debated whether awareness affects attitude or attitude affects awareness. It is still important to note that after developing an attitude, the awareness in terms of recognizing and observing different things about the topic comes into picture. This is especially valid for a country like India where these things are increasingly gaining understanding .In this era of global environmental upheaval including concerns like Global Warming, Climate Change, increase in the sea levels, rise in pollution, environmental degradation etc.
 One of the promising ways that one person can contribute individually is by developing all components of Environmental Attitude .The building of Environmental Attitude will also make the person to be ethically connected to the environmental issues and thus, he can think, feel and act in his individual capacity to solve this catastrophic problem.

The idea of changing the world can be debatable. We very often think, "I’m only one person; what can I really do?" If every person thinks that, nothing will get done. But if every person did just one thing to make the world a better place today, billions of acts of kindness, social responsibility and generosity would take place  and wouldn’t that alone change the face of this planet?
Helen Keller said, "I am only one, but still I am one; I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and just because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
So here is a list of things that we could do to make a difference
1. Volunteer your time at local schools
 Children are the future of this world. Spend time helping them reach their potential by tutoring, mentoring or taking part in a school program.
2. Recognize the humanity of other people, and respect their dignity
We must consciously realize that the homeless man we pass on the street every day is in fact, a man. Through choices of his own or circumstances out of his control, he ended up in this situation, and that makes him no less human. Learning to say hello and warmly greet him would surely make a large difference. Your greeting could bring healing to his heart, and help heal the world one person at a time. Treat people as equals, no matter how you interpret their social standing.
3. Use less paper
Our forests are being cut down at an alarming rate. Conserve the trees by conserving paper. Send an e-mail instead of a letter, type directions into your cell phone instead of writing them down, and bring your own fabric shopping bags to the store.
4. Drive less
Even the use of hybrid vehicles contributes to carbon emissions, greenhouse gases, and reduced air quality. Take a moment to consider how you can use your personal vehicle less. You could carpool or take public transportation to work, walk to church, or bike to pick up a few things from the store and make the world a better place.
5. Conserve water
Taking long showers and letting the water run as you brush your teeth are indulgences that negatively impact our world. Try to limit your water usage by timing how long you have the water running, and trying to beat that time the next time you turn on the faucet.
6. Donate to clean water charities
A large portion of the world is without fresh drinking water. Educate yourself about the drought epidemic, and make the world a better place by donating to organizations and charities helping to fight against the lack of clean water around the globe. Your donation could result in the reduction of preventable, water-related diseases.
7. Be generous
It's easy to be selfish with your time, money, and resources by getting caught up in our material-driven societal expectations. Try being generous and see how your life changes. Buy coffee for the person behind you in line at Starbucks, read to children at your local library, or simply stop and listen for the answer when you ask a friend how they're doing. Chances are that your generosity will energize you, and you'll feel less helpless about how to make the world a better place.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

From a Concerned Member of the Plant Community...

From a concerned member of the plant community to man
By: Senthooran B

The first thing I remember is breaking the surface of the earth and taking my first breath. The air felt so pure and clean as it gushed through my veins.  I remember, during my childhood years, learning to be selfless and share all I had with anyone who cared enough to ask. I sheltered the birds from the elements, provided food to animals, and oxygen to all living things. I remember making friends with the other trees and making many happy memories.
During my teenage years was my first experience with man – the smartest and probably the most dangerous animal to walk the earth. He was a lone traveller- a man tired from a long journey. Being my usual compassionate self, I gave to him all I had to offer. The man seemed grateful for the shade and continued his long journey soon. Little did I know then, that he would return to cause me a great deal of sorrow.
My second experience with man was during my youth. This time man returned to cut down my friends and clear off my pet shrubs to lay a grey contraption called a road which allowed for his convenient transport. This upset me, but there was little I could do about it. Despite this, I continued giving all I had to mankind.
During my middle age man returned yet again and mercilessly cut down almost every one of my friends. He built his own shelters and farms. It seemed as if man did not require us trees anymore and that in itself was a reason for us not to exist. This was the last straw. I knew we couldn’t be friends, but we could perhaps co-operate in some manner?
The events that occur during my old age certainly don’t make it seem so. Man continues destroying my brethren, not just near his ’cities’, but in forests – places we thought to be a safe havens. Man continues destroying us, promising all the time that he will won’t. Man continues destroying us, even though we provide him with so many useful goods.
Thus, I appeal to the better nature of man. I seek only a modicum of grace from you, an acknowledgement of the difficulties that we face. It is not only for plants that I ask this of you, but also for your own wellbeing. Listen to you environmentalists- stop destroying us or soon you will reach a situation where global warming levels go unchecked and you have no air left to breathe.

Unnatural Disasters

By: Sujata Shivakumar

The cause and commencement of human existence, while hypothesized by many, is unknown. Generation, after generation we have thrived, we have breathed the air around us with joy and excitement at doing something extraordinary with our lives. Yet, in all this development, we seem to have lost a keen sense of what our mother Earth means to us. "Having taken the Earth and her resources for granted' is a gross understatement in the grand scheme of what human beings are collectively destroying. 

In the past half billion years, five great extinctions have transformed life on Earth, whether brought about by a catastrophic meteor impact that killed off the dinosaurs or prolonged periods of intense volcanic activity, which wiped out as much as 97 percent of all species. 
Now, say scientists, Earth may be experiencing a sixth wave of mass extinction. But this time, humans are the cause.
The impacts of human beings' ability to denature the Earth's environment, quite literally are tenfold:
We're losing species at just an incredible rate and I think most scientists think that rate is increasing.Degradation of the world’s natural resources by humans is rapidly outpacing the planet’s ability to absorb the damage, meaning the rate of deterioration is increasing globally, the most comprehensive environmental study ever undertaken by the UN has found.
Apart from this, Greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere are eating up the ozone layer - the gas that successfully prevents us from frying in the sun- at such a rate, chipping away at whatever is left of the livable earth. Add preventable oil spills, drinking water contamination, chemical explosions and disappearing bodies of green to the mix and you've got one rapidly declining environment with no salvation in the near future. 
This leads us to the question if how long Earth has to live. Have Humans caused irreparable damage or is there something to salvage for future generations? Are we capable of learning from these mistakes and moving forward with a better outlook? The playlist reveals a history of negligence, apathy toward safety and a fatal devaluation of the environment at the apical point of the world's largest unnatural disaster. 
Our environment is precious and delicate and it is in our best interest to keep it clean and healthy, the water free of drainage filled with toxins and the land filled with greenery .
We must strive to maintain environment conditions that are as natural as possible. It only makes sense to adopt such an attitude because a polluted and dirty environment is nothing but toxic to Hymabs, Flora and fauna . These are more than sufficient reasons for people to unite and work towards healthier, cleaner lifestyles. After all, destroying mother Earth means destroying ourselves .

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Dystopian Furure

By: Karan Anand

Humans have destroyed a tenth of Earth’s remaining wilderness in the last 25 years and there may be none left within a century if trends continue, according to an authoritative new study.
Researchers found a vast area the size of two Alaskas – 3.3m square kilometres – had been tarnished by human activities between 1993 and today, which experts said was a “shockingly bad” and “profoundly large number”.
The Amazon accounted for nearly a third of the “catastrophic” loss, showing huge tracts of pristine rainforest are still being disrupted despite the Brazilian government slowing deforestation rates in recent years. A further 14% disappeared in central Africa, home to thousands of species including forest elephants and chimpanzees.
Our natural ecosystems are finding it hard to cope with the different pressures and are unable to adjust. If we continue depleting  resources and destroying our environment, soon it will be too late for them to recover, even with our help.
When we’ve mined what we can from our planet, when all animals have died, when there are no more fish in the sea, when the Earth is barren and devoid of trees… what will happen to us?
Increased flooding due to the erosion of soil and lack of trees
Rising of the sea levels due to the melting of the glaciers, caused by Global Warming
Disruption of the food chain when the apex predators become extinct
Water shortage -  we only have a finite supply of fresh drinking water
Food shortage as the lands become barren and the oceans become fishless
Loss of biodiversity as whole species of living things disappear due to deforestation
Pollution will eventually become unmanageable and affect our health.
Rising temperatures may be too much for all living things on the planet
Although things appear to be bleak for the entire planet, this is not the last leg of the race. We need to unite , put aside our petty differences and strive to ensure the survival of this planet .

Sunday, July 22, 2018

An Ode to a Beautiful Woman

              An Ode to a Beautiful Woman
By: Shravasti Sarkar

Only when the last tree has died the last river has been poisoned and the last fish caught will we realize that we cannot eat money?
Often we talk of saving the environment but rarely do we recognize those who stand up for the earth who doesn’t have a voice of her own. Today I want to spread some awareness about a strong and popular socialist of India Medha Patkar.
Medha Patkar is the creator of the Narmada bachao andolan. A voice for those who do not have much of a say, Medha Patkar is a social activist who spearheaded and participated in a number of social causes ranging from the Narmada Bachao Andolan to the Tata-Singur issue.
Whether it was the influence of her politically active parents or her innate nature, Medha Patkar was always inclined towards social work. She graduated with a Masters degree in Social Work from the reputed institute, TISS.
In 1989, Medha Patkar concocted the Narmada Bachao Andolan on behalf of the farmers and tribal people to prevent the Sardar Sarovar Dam from being erected on the Narmada river.
She has been firm on the issue and till date ensures that tribal agitations – be it for their own rights or for protecting the environment – get her full support.
In the Tata-Singur case, Medha Patkar played a pivotal role in curbing Tata’s intention of laying down a Nano plant, which would have rendered a number of farmers without land and hence without any means of income.
She has truly proven that a dream or a vision doesn’t become reality through magic it takes sweat, determination and hard work. She has inspired us and taught us that we need to stop doubting the fact that we can save the world and make it happen. Most importantly she taught us one very important thing : Don’t play victim to the circumstances you created , if you are not a part of the solution you are a part of the problem.

Stop and think.

By: Aditi Kumar

Ralph Waldo Emerson once asked what we would do if the stars only came out once every thousand years. No one would sleep that night, of course. We would be ecstatic, joyous, made thrilled by the glory of God. Instead, the stars come out every night and we watch television. Similarly we don’t appreciate the beautiful earth that we are a part of. We ignore the dotted silver threads of rain, the chirping birds and the broad sun kissed valleys. This planet came with a set of instructions, but we seem to have misplaced them. Important rules like don’t poison the water, soil, or air, don’t let the earth get overcrowded, and don’t touch the thermostat have been broken.
To all of those who believe that we are humans are a superior being who has been gifted with the permission to use and exploit the earth, I would like to warn you: our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by the fact that our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.
 Khalil Gibran once wrote in his poem sand and foam “Seven times I despised my soul…..”
Today I write:
 Seven times I despised my soul:
The first time when I saw her being meek against the powerful wounding the trees.
The second time when I saw her giving excuses to stop from doing what was right.
The third time when she was given to choose between the hard and the easy, and she chose the easy.
The fourth time when she exploited Mother Nature, and comforted herself that others also exploit the earth.
The fifth time when trees fell and she chose to do nothing, and attributed her patience to strength.
The sixth time when she despised the actions of others, and knew not that it was one of her own masks.
And the seventh time when she sang the song of earth and knew not that it was hypocrisy.
I am ashamed of what we have become. We all ought to detest ourselves for our behavior and high handed attitude that we have. But today is a new day, a new day to start afresh, anew to choose, not between what is right and wrong, for all of us would choose what is right, but between what is right and easy. So far we have stood in silence as the others have exploited and hurt mother earth. We must remember the world suffers a lot not because of the violence of bad people but because of the silence of good people. Today we have to choose the right way and remember: forget that this task of planet-saving is not possible in the time required. Don’t be put off by people who know what is not possible. Do what needs to be done, and check to see if it was impossible only after you are done. 



By: Naga Vaishnavi Dittakavi

Meat on your plate is killing the planet !!
We have a bone to pick with industrial animal agriculture. You might be thinking that the inhumane practices and incredibly unsanitary conditions on factory farms is our only qualm with the livestock production world, but these are merely additional logs on the fire that fuels our disdain. Increasingly, the animal agriculture industry has become more than an insanely cruel and gross entity, it is also causing major damage to our environment.

Now, when you start messing with BOTH animals and the planet, you are just asking to have a Green Monster unleashed on your behalf. While the direct connection between animal cruelty and factory farming might be readily apparent, the impact that factory farm has on the planet is less so. Since we all eat, every day, multiple times a day, understanding the impact of our food choices (and not just on our waistlines) can be pretty important.
Firstly, raising animals for food is grossly inefficient because while animals eat large quantities of grain, they produce only small amounts of meat, dairy foods or eggs in return. Scientists estimate that animals must be fed up to 10 kilograms of grain to produce just 1 kilogram of meat. The world’s cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people – more than the entire human population on Earth.         
According to Worldwatch Institute, “In a world where an estimated one in every six people goes hungry every day, the politics of meat consumption are increasingly heated, since meat production is an inefficient use of grain – the grain is used more efficiently when consumed directly by humans. Continued growth in meat output is dependent on feeding grains to animals, creating competition for grain between affluent meat-eaters and the world’s poor”. Researchers have recently warned that we could face serious food shortages because so much of our grain is now going to feed animals instead of people.
The second major issue is the emptying of our oceans. Fishing is causing serious damage to marine environments worldwide. In the past 50 years, the fishing industry has exterminated 90 per cent of large fish populations, and today, 13 of the world’s 17 major fisheries are depleted or in serious decline. Fishing nets capture all the animals in their path, and for every fish that ends up on a plate, many other animals were caught in nets and killed. During one year alone, an average of 16 kilograms of fish were sold per person worldwide – in the same year, 200 kilograms of marine animals per person were hauled up and discarded as by-catch.

Moreover, besides grains, animals need water to survive and grow until they are slaughtered. One pound of beef requires an input of approximately 2500 gallons of water, whereas a pound of soy requires 250 gallons of water and a pound of wheat only 25 gallons. While millions of people around the world are experiencing droughts and water shortages, much of the world’s water supply is being diverted to animal agriculture. As a matter of fact , A pure vegetarian diet requires only 1,137 litres of water per day, while a meat-based diet requires more than 15,160 litres of water per day.
Furthermore ,  farming livestock (especially cows) for meat requires vast amounts of land. The world’s population is increasing. With a finite amount of space available for global food production, considering the potential yield of a piece of land (i.e. the amount of food that can be produced there) is really important.
For those who can’t give up meat fully, cutting back goes a long way toward helping the environment, as does choosing meat and dairy products from organic, pasture-raised, grass-fed animals. “Ultimately, we need better policies and stronger regulations to reduce the environmental impacts of livestock production,” says EWG’s Kari Hammerschlag “But personal shifting of diets is an important step.”